After dealing with lower back pain in my left hip of what I was told was Sciatica for at least 15 years, and never seeing a chiropractor or any other Dr after that diagnosis. I just dealt with the pain and when I had a flare up I would be out of commission for 3-5 days until I could get around. I also had pain in my left wrist it happen not too long after I had my first son. So I was going on 7 years of pain. I was never diagnosed, but I was told by many people and including my research on the internet that I was dealing with Carpal Tunnel. When I had a flare up I would have to put my hand and wrist in a brace so it would not move even a inch. The pain hurt so bad that I physically could not move my wrist at all. The slightest movement would have me crying in pain. Even when I didn't have a flare up I couldn't bend my wrist as far forward or backwards like I use to. How could I have all these pains and I am only in my 20's.
During one of my Mama Chiks meeting we had a guest speaker who was requested to speak by one of our members. Her name was Dr. Kimberly Vasquez. She was a chiropractor, kinesiologist, and holistic healer. She spoke and I was intrigued to see if she could help me out. After the meeting I was able to talk to her. She did a couple muscle tests on me and found the problem with my wrist. She adjusted it free right there. It wasn't carpal tunnel. I went through the whole winter with having to wear my brace. I was in awe. I told my husband that I needed to see Dr. Kimberly Vasquez so maybe could help me.
I had my first appoint with Dr. Kimberly Vasquez. She looked over all the paper work that I filled out. She proceeded to do a in depth muscle test on me and my whole left side was weak. She did my right side and I was strong. After a few other procedures she did on me she figured out where all my problems were coming from. All my pain I have been experiencing was all related. It was also the reason why I couldn't loose weight. I have been carrying around the weight from my 1st pregnancy. I have had 2 more children since than. She adjusted me to help get me back to normal. She also put me on the supplement that I had to take 3x a day. I kept a food diary so she could see if it was caused my something I was eating. I went back for my 2nd appointment a few days later and I was already making improvements. Dr. Kimberly Vasquez tested me for a few more things after I tested negative for any food sensitivities, and we found a major culprit. That explained alot of things that was going on.
Stay tuned for an update on what I am doing to help my situation.
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